Tuesday, February 27, 2007

...Closing My Blog...

Finally it comes to the end of this class , I am very happy with this class though at the first time i feel confused because i am not familiar with this style of teaching, i grown up and were taught by telling what to note what to read but this class is totally different. As time passed by i started to like your teaching style, it taught me not to follow only the book we can learn from everthing around oueselves even movies which the main purpose is to entertain, we can get more knowledge from them. i sorry to say that some of your movie is annoyed me a lot especially Black & White movie ^^ but many of them are very good.
So sad to know that this is the last semester for you it also the last for me too, as i red ur blog i think you must love Abac a lot, me too. i come to this university directly i dont care about the entrance exam because i love here and when it comes to the time that we should part, it sad. i have nothing to say but i happy to be here and to be in your class. Thank you ajarn to show me the new way of learning style at least before i graduate frome here i had already studied with you.

PS. i already returned all the movies to you, Thanks again

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