Tuesday, February 27, 2007

...Closing My Blog...

Finally it comes to the end of this class , I am very happy with this class though at the first time i feel confused because i am not familiar with this style of teaching, i grown up and were taught by telling what to note what to read but this class is totally different. As time passed by i started to like your teaching style, it taught me not to follow only the book we can learn from everthing around oueselves even movies which the main purpose is to entertain, we can get more knowledge from them. i sorry to say that some of your movie is annoyed me a lot especially Black & White movie ^^ but many of them are very good.
So sad to know that this is the last semester for you it also the last for me too, as i red ur blog i think you must love Abac a lot, me too. i come to this university directly i dont care about the entrance exam because i love here and when it comes to the time that we should part, it sad. i have nothing to say but i happy to be here and to be in your class. Thank you ajarn to show me the new way of learning style at least before i graduate frome here i had already studied with you.

PS. i already returned all the movies to you, Thanks again

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Cold War : Right Stuff

The disc can be opened only 1:40:05 mins

Oh my God, the war movie i feel nervous when i have to watch this kind of movie. But after i watch it for a while i notice that there is no war scene and i really think that the first half period of this movie is like drama movie since they talking about their plan and their life. Many of American movie is also about the pailot and it seems like the thing that most of American men really want to be. many courtry try to cempete together, they try to show how they are smart by showing their creative and innovative. i really got shock while i watch the physical checking scene, it is so painful and i also wonder that how they can stand with those thing. Oops i think i had studied about the first rocket launched and it is explode and i guess after this it would be about the first monkey that can be sent to the space and can survive in the rocket.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Civil Right : Long Walk Home

i think the main of this movie is the right which same as the period of this movie, but it's the right of the black people in the society. i perceived that in this movie, white people are regarded as high class people and blacks are low class. it's very obviously especially the scene that the police shout at Whoopy when she was in the park preparing the food for the children. moreover; black people can't even get on or sit on the bus i think this is very rude since they are people like us they should also have the same right as we have, we are in the same world sharing many things together.

some good things in this movie is the family love each other which is very good and i also perceive that no matter when it was American people love the party. i also like way they did before dinner, praying to the god. but i think in this movie Mrs. Norman, the white girl, is very good she is fair and accept black people as human in this world.

i feel very upset when i saw this movie because i just think that black people should not deserve this kind of behavior. Black and white people cant even talk to each other and other white people act like they have more power. i really hate they man who destroy the car if i were in this movie and i have a gun i will shoot him immediately. the end of this movie is very impressive i love that many of black people holding their power together and fight for their right to exist in this horrible society.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Song: I Will Follow Him

Artist: Sister Act Song: I Will Follow Him
I love this song, it's sound great and i love this movie too it comes from the gospel period. i think gospel is about the song of the God. i feel enjoy while listen to it the lyrics of this song is very good "I will follow Him,Ever since He touched my heart I knew,There isn't an ocean too deep,A mountain so high it can keep, Keep me away, away from His love." this sentence is inspired me a lot because it touch my heart very much and i would like to recommend others to listen to it. iam sure that it will good for others too.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Better than the other WWII movie i got, this is colored. i think this movie is more about war, there is a dicussion about war planning. Many country are participate(i guess American fight with German) in this war, American love each other they also respect each other too and they put all the power to work because they set high goal.

While watching this movie i feel like i'm in American history class. Soldier system is more complicate they are divided in class. This period women seem to have less duty since through the movie i see less women in this movie when compared to others. when many country work together i think they do not trust each other they still protect their side. the one who are high priority also have high responsibility too.

How come this movie i thought i would scene some fighting in this WWII movie but i witness nothing. All movie is about planing for the war. it's also like report of the war or movie to tell the real story. All i can say is i'm confused with this movie.

Friday, February 9, 2007

WW II : To the shores of Tripoli

Again, i feel it is a hard time for me to watch this black & white movie which makes me feel sleepy. The movie started with the fighting scene, i knew already since it's the movie about WW II. But anyways i will try to catch as much American culture as i can.

Like any others movie that i had saw even in the world war period the party is the thing that still survive and American man still be polite. there 's one scene that i saw and really wonder which is the scene that the woman spread some kind of cream to the man. it would be better if this movie is colored because i really want to know that what is it. Nurse is for the girl only in that period also men are soldier absolutely. They all are good soldier they practice and have high responsibility and i think finally Mary must fall in love with the guy Chris^^.

This time i think America was very civilize since the war did not happen on the land only, it happened in the sea also. This was what i think since i hear at the beginning of the movie. cause i heard "Marine Corps". The truth is i feel empty when talking about WW II or any kind of history because i'm very bad about it. All i know is American is a powerful country with more people and weapons and i think for ordinary people in that period soldiers are sdorable.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

James J. Braddock

So amazing that i got this topic i remembered that i just finished watching the movie Cinderella Man with my father at home but i don't even know that it's a true story of Braddock which happened in the Great Depression period until this class.
James J. Braddock was born on June 7th, 1905, His parents Joseph Braddock and Elizabeth O'Toole Braddock were an immigrant. His family was growing larger and larger so his parents decided to move across the Hudson River to the peaceful township of West New York in Hudson County New Jersey.
Like any other kids, He enjoyed playing marbles, baseball and hanging around the old swimming hole of the Hudson River or under the Hackensack River Bridge. He dreamt of becoming a fireman or a train engineer but actually it's just not like this.
In my opinion, Braddock was an optimistic person he always see things in a good view even in such a bad situation. From the movie since there were no job available, he decided to fight for the for to raise his wife and kids. He is a good fighter not only on the stage but in his real life also, he works various kind of jobs around the year 1919 to 1923 till September 1929 which the stock market crashed and the nation plunged into the "Great Depression" and ass the banks went down he is like so many other millions of Americans who lost everything. I think after he won the match, it could be an inspiration which brought him into the world of boxing.
He started to fight more and more some win some lose however most of the time he won. This time his name started to spread so that he got a chance to fight with many popular boxers. the important matche would be when he fight with Max Baer. Like in the movie as i saw i though he was quite old but finally he won this match and became the new heavyweight champion of the world.
After his retirement, Braddock go into the U.S. Army in 1942 which he became 1st Lieutenants. Before the war ended, he served on the island of Saipan. and helped construct the Verrazano Bridge and worked as a marine equipment surplus supplier, running generators and welding equipment. he and his wife,Mae, raised their three children, Jay, Howard and Rosemarie in a house they bought in North Bergen NJ. James J. Braddock died at home while he was sleepingOn November 29th 1974. His wife Mae Braddock continued to live in their North Bergen home for many years before moving to Whiting, NJ where she passed away in 1985.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Great Depression : Bonnie & Clyde

It's so fuuny that the main characters of this movie,Bonnie and Clyde, are robber, firstly i thought that i would be a romantic movie anyway this kind of movie is very attractive and excited their life are full of interesting. I think this period women and men are equal already in term of right. People in this movie live closely in the society when the problems were happened, they help each other like when the bank was robbed by Bonnie and Clyde others try to help but they afraid of them because they have gun. They killed people in a cold blood. But i think they are such a lovely couple. Although they argued seriously, they still love each other. Polices in that period work hard to protect the society peace. The car in that period were stole easily.

After i watching this movie for a while i started to understand why this period called great depression. It is because people are depressed by the econimic problem, bank took away their property likt house and land, so they have to rob for money to live since they have no choice. It seems that banks in that period are powerful.

In this movie though they are robber, i feel that they are good they at least have some moral they care for others they love their parents. Finally the fighting was happened because they do the bad thing everything is served to them already they were shot by meny people whom i think they were police, so tragedy ending.

Monday, January 29, 2007

ROAR 20 : Bobby Jones

Overall of this movie is about family which is very lovely and it reflected to the american culture which is Amrican people is very warm and kind especially the olders. Richer spent their free tine playing sport like golf in this movie. Children in that period is a good dreamer, they have a really beautiful ambition and they will put all ttheir passion to reach it. They hold their father as a hero, like in this movie Bobby Jones is interested in playing golf since he was young and he keep practicing until he is good at it. This is very good and it is seems that regard that period golf is very popular.

Things that i like in American culture are first american people care much about their prestige, though Bobby is great at golf, he refused to play for money. Second is american people is active and have high ambition with more energy to reach their goal, nomatter how hard it is Bobby still trying so hard or once he fail he will not giving up. Third is american men care much about their girl feeling and baby is like a sign for the long last love. ireally love the church bells.

Finally Bobby is a champion, and before i watch this movie i have heard the word "Auguata", i really dont know whatit is but since i finished watching this movie i knew it already. This movie is very good because it taught people that we should not giving up for the thing that we hope for and once we reach to the goal, we deserve it.