Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Great Depression : Bonnie & Clyde

It's so fuuny that the main characters of this movie,Bonnie and Clyde, are robber, firstly i thought that i would be a romantic movie anyway this kind of movie is very attractive and excited their life are full of interesting. I think this period women and men are equal already in term of right. People in this movie live closely in the society when the problems were happened, they help each other like when the bank was robbed by Bonnie and Clyde others try to help but they afraid of them because they have gun. They killed people in a cold blood. But i think they are such a lovely couple. Although they argued seriously, they still love each other. Polices in that period work hard to protect the society peace. The car in that period were stole easily.

After i watching this movie for a while i started to understand why this period called great depression. It is because people are depressed by the econimic problem, bank took away their property likt house and land, so they have to rob for money to live since they have no choice. It seems that banks in that period are powerful.

In this movie though they are robber, i feel that they are good they at least have some moral they care for others they love their parents. Finally the fighting was happened because they do the bad thing everything is served to them already they were shot by meny people whom i think they were police, so tragedy ending.

Monday, January 29, 2007

ROAR 20 : Bobby Jones

Overall of this movie is about family which is very lovely and it reflected to the american culture which is Amrican people is very warm and kind especially the olders. Richer spent their free tine playing sport like golf in this movie. Children in that period is a good dreamer, they have a really beautiful ambition and they will put all ttheir passion to reach it. They hold their father as a hero, like in this movie Bobby Jones is interested in playing golf since he was young and he keep practicing until he is good at it. This is very good and it is seems that regard that period golf is very popular.

Things that i like in American culture are first american people care much about their prestige, though Bobby is great at golf, he refused to play for money. Second is american people is active and have high ambition with more energy to reach their goal, nomatter how hard it is Bobby still trying so hard or once he fail he will not giving up. Third is american men care much about their girl feeling and baby is like a sign for the long last love. ireally love the church bells.

Finally Bobby is a champion, and before i watch this movie i have heard the word "Auguata", i really dont know whatit is but since i finished watching this movie i knew it already. This movie is very good because it taught people that we should not giving up for the thing that we hope for and once we reach to the goal, we deserve it.